Can You Ride Roller Coasters if You Highbloood Pressure

Safety Tips 1

Read and obey the posted rules

Observe all posted ride safety rules, and follow the instructions given by the ride attendants. Read the warning sign carefully and obey height/age/height limits and health restrictions.

Safety Tips 2

Be in good health and sober, and eat and drink appropriately

Ensure you are in good health to ride. Expectant mothers and persons who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol should never ride. If you have had recent surgery, high blood pressure, poor heart condition, neck or back problems, don't go for a ride. If you are in doubt of any pre-existing conditions that you might have, consult your doctor first or else not to ride. Eat and drink appropriately as excessive eating or dehydration shall be avoided.

Safety Tips 3

Know your and your children's strengths

Be conservative especially in picking rides for children, elderly or disabled persons. Some mechanical rides are physically demanding and emotionally intense. Don't ride anything you are uncomfortable with or that your child is too afraid of.

Safety Tips 4

Pay attention to dressing and belongs

Tie up long hair, remove all loose articles (sunglasses, hats, jewelry, cell phones, hand bags, etc.) before getting on to the ride. No carry-on items unless on-board storage pouch is provided inside the ride vehicle.

Safety Tips 5

Keep hands, arms, legs and feet inside the ride at all times

Don't reach for fences or barriers or decorations around the carriage of the ride or you may get hurt. Ride properly and hold the handrail if it is provided so.

Safety Tips 6

Do not board a ride impaired

While most of the parks and carnival pay close attention to the ride safety, don't get on a ride if you see obviously broken parts, signs of poor maintenance, or an inattentive operator.

Safety Tips 7

Always use safety equipment provided and never attempt to wriggle free of or loosen restraints or other safety devices

Ride manufacturers provide seatbelts, lap bars, and other restraint system designated to accommodate passenger or to stay seated to keep you safe in place. Properly latch and double check the harness. Inform the operator immediately when you find the safety equipment does not hold well.

Safety Tips 8

Remain seated and don't reach out

Remain seated, hold tight the available grips, keep your hands and feet inside the ride vehicle at all times. Never stand up on a roller coaster to get a "bigger thrill". If a ride stops temporarily, due to breakdown or other reasons, stay seated and wait for the ride to start up again or for the operator's further instruction. Remain seated in the ride until it comes to a complete stop and you are instructed to exit

Safety Tips 9

Report Hazards

If you see any unsafe behavior or condition on a ride, report it to a ride attendant, supervisor or manager immediately.

Safety Tips 10

Know your child's capabilities and never force children to ride if they don't want to

Know your child's capabilities and limitations and think carefully whether a particular ride is appropriate for your child. Watch the ride with your child for a while before boarding. Don't put your child on the ride that he or she is afraid of. When a child gets scared, he or she might attempt to exit before it stops, putting him or her in a potential dangerous situation.

Safety Tips 11

Obey height and/or age restrictions

Obey minimum height/age restrictions. Don't argue with ride operator because your child is too short to ride. Restrictions are based on the size and position of the ride's restraint system. For your child's safety, it is better not to ride in event of a borderline case.

Safety Tips 12

Parents should make sure their children can understand and follow safe and appropriate ride behavior

Following the posted rules is to prevent the children from getting hurt. Pay attention to the children that they may react to the ride out of fear or excitement with dangerous actions which may cause injury in the ride. Watch out for your children and inform the operator for help when you see your children do something improper during the ride.

Safety Tips 13

Tell your child what to do if he or she gets frightened

Talk to your child about what to do if your child gets frightened while the ride is moving. Tell her not to get out of the ride. Explain that amusement rides might seem scary, but they are not dangerous as long as riders hold on tight, stay seated, and keep their hands and feet inside.

Safety Tips 14

Check whether the lap bar is fit for your child

Some lap bars may fit certain range of body size of passengers. You should check every time the tightened lap bar is fit for your child or ask the operator to check it if in doubt.

Safety Tips 15

Watch all extremities

Don't put your child on a ride he has outgrown. Maximum height and weight limits are just as important as minimum limits. If you cannot count on your child to stay seated with hands and feet inside, don't let him or her ride.

Safety Tips 16


If your children are going to ride on their own, point out the operator and loading/unloading locations to them before entering the gate. If you are accompanying with them to ride, especially on a rotating ride, load the children to the inside position of the bench seating, if possible.

Can You Ride Roller Coasters if You Highbloood Pressure


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