Can I Use a Roller Bottle on My Lashes

Ready to give a DIY eyelash growth serum a try?

What woman doesn't want long eyelashes? Be it Liz Taylor, Sophia Lauren, or Audrey Hepburn – one of them is definitely to blame for our desire to have luscious lashes!

In our modern times, we have lots of options when comes to eyelash growth or the appearance of such. Our choices include:

– Pricy, high maintenance eyelash extensions

– Cheap, pain-in-the-butt to apply faux eyelashes

– Tricky and sometimes painful eyelash curlers

– Freaky Buzzfeed eyelash growth home remedies

– Eyelash growth serums with questionable ingredients

No matter which of these eyelash growth remedies you have tried to feed your obsession… when it comes to growing your eyelashes, there is one natural eyelash growth method worth trying in my experience.

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If you weren't born with the fullest or longest of eyelashes either, have no fear! A DIY eyelash growth serum may be just the thing you've been looking for.

Let me fill you in,

If you weren't born with the fullest or longest of eyelashes either, have no fear! A DIY eyelash growth serum may be just the thing you've been looking for. I know what you might be thinking…

Are eyelash growth serums safe?

The FDA has approved many eyelash serums safe for use but with a fair warning. You see, eyelash growth serums can cause adverse reactions such as itchy red eyes, reduced eye pressure, darkening of the eyelid skin, and in rare cases, permanently increased pigmentation of the iris (source). Meaning light-colored eyes turn brown!

Yeah – that's scary!!

So, you know what I did? I made my own DIY eyelash growth serum. It's sans scary chemicals as opposed to the range of serums on the market. It's made with only 4 natural ingredients known to improve eyelash and hair growth. And it works great without any risks or side effects.

Related: DIY Hot Oil Manicure

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What do you need to make a DIY eyelash growth serum? 4 oils, a small glass bottle, and an eyelash brush. Yep, it's that simple! Here's what you'll need:

4 Ingredient DIY Eyelash Growth Serum

1. Castor Oil

Castor oil is an essential ingredient for hair growth. Made from the castor seed containing vitamin E, minerals, proteins, and omega-6 fatty acids. Together these properties are known to grow thicker, stronger, longer eyelashes and eyebrows.

2. Coconut Oil

Commonly used in skincare and haircare for its deep moisturizing abilities. But, does coconut oil help eyelashes grow? Like castor oil, coconut oil contains fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants to strengthen and promote hair growth for longer, fuller lashes.

3. Essential Oils

While carrier oils like castor and coconut are great natural hair ingredients – essential oils are another type of oil, not to be overlooked! What oil helps your eyelashes grow?

There are quite a few essential oils for hair care that can contribute to natural eyelash growth. Here's a handy printable list of the best essential oils for eyelash growth.

For this DIY eyelash growth serum, I choose lavender and rosemary essential oil. Known to nourish and restore soft hair lavender essential oil is quite suitable for an eyelash growth serum as it is a very gentle oil. In fact, it is one of the best essential oils safe for kids.

4. Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E oil is an excellent all-round ingredient for natural eyelash growth. It helps to repair hair follicles and encourage hair growth. You'll find it's listed as an ingredient in many eyelash growth serums.

If you're over the maintenance and upkeep of fake lashes – it's time you try an essential oil eyelash growth serum. Here's how to make one with these four ingredients for natural eyelash growth.

What do you need to make a DIY eyelash growth serum? 4 oils, a small glass bottle, and an eyelash brush. Yep, it's that simple! Here's just what you'll need and quick instructions on how to make it!

How to Make Eyelash Growth Serum:

Using a mini funnel pour ½ tablespoon castor oil, ½ teaspoon vitamin E oil, and ½ tablespoon fractionated coconut oil into a 1-ounce or 2-ounce glass apothecary jar. Top with 3 drops of lavender and rosemary essential oil. Then place the lid on the jar and shake well to combine.

You can either dip your eyelash wand into the apothecary jar as I do or opt to buy an empty mascara tube and wand. (This reusable bamboo one has my name on it!) For this option pour half of the eyelash growth serum into the wand and store the remaining until a refill is needed. It can be stored for up to a year.

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How to Apply a DIY Eyelash Growth Serum:

First, make sure that your face and lashes are clean and free of makeup. I recommend applying an eyelash growth serum at bedtime following your nightly skincare routine, so your lashes can get the maximum benefits. Plus, who doesn't want to wake up to healthier, fuller lashes in the morning?

Then gently dip your eyelash wand into the serum and apply to lashes as you would mascara, but sparingly. Don't rub your eyes shortly after applying as you really don't want to get it in your eyes. If you happen to get it in your eyes and it causes irritation, massage a drop of coconut oil in the corner of your eye to draw out the essential oil. No harm done.

Make this essential oil eyelash growth serum recipe in less than five minutes. Add it to your beauty regimen today for beautiful looking lashes in no time!

Tips to Get the Most Out of an Eyelash Growth Serum

– Use an eyelash growth serum daily for maximum results

– Clean your eyelash brush weekly with a simple makeup brush cleaner

– You can apply this serum to eyebrows as well to help with thinning

– Comb your eyelashes in the morning after the serum has saturated your lashes to help them appear even longer

How long does it take for this serum to grow eyelashes?

I noticed a difference in a few weeks after applying a serum every night. But after 3 months which coincides with the time it generally takes for new eyelashes to grow, I saw a significant change in length and fullness. And I've seemed to have stopped losing lashes when I remove eye makeup. Which must due to stronger, healthier lashes!

If you're over the maintenance and upkeep of fake lashes - it's time you try an essential oil eyelash growth serum. Here's how to make one with these four ingredients for natural eyelash growth.

Make this essential oil eyelash growth serum recipe in less than five minutes. Add it to your beauty regimen today for beautiful looking lashes in no time!

What have you tried for natural eyelash growth?  Leave it in the comments for me or send me DM on Instagram. Don't forget to pin these easy beauty hack to use essential oils for eyelash growth!

P.S. This Essential Oil DIY is a great idea for an essential oil make and take class demonstrating the benefits of rosemary and lavender oil for lashes!

Can I Use a Roller Bottle on My Lashes


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